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Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Registration Session This year :

1. January to June- 2011.
2. July to December- 2011.
3. January to March- 2011.
4. April to June- 2011.
5. July to September- 2011.
6. October to November- 2011.

About nydtcf

National Youth Development Training Centre is a multi course training institute. Some of list are listed below:

1. Computer Course- Basic Trade : 360 hours (3 months/ 6 months).
2. Computer Course- Diploma in Computer Science & ICT (1 Year).
3. Graphics Design Course- 6 Months.
4. Computer Hardware- 6 Months.
5. Database Management- 6 Months.
6. Visual FoxPro.
7. Visual Basic.
8. C++ (Programming)
9. Dress Making & Tailoring-  (3 months/ 6 months).
10. Others Technical Training for Necessary.